Being diagnosed with a severe condition like Alzheimer’s can bring a wave of emotions. Alzheimer’s disease, to some, is a simple illness to which most older generations experience. They find it as a disease where memories only slowly deteriorate. However, all of these are half the truth of the degenerative disease. Many authors have come forward to share their stories and facts about this disease. Jack Weaver is one of those many people who spread light on the hardships of Alzheimer’s on Going Going book. Alzheimer’s or any diseases can greatly affect people negatively which will lead them to more suffering. Thus, some believe that having optimistic outlook is a must.
For people who are ill, staying positive can be challenging. The thought of developing an illness can be a frightening prospect for everyone. It forces you to deal with uncertainty and the reality that life is finite. And all that comes with the disease is pretty frightening and difficult, making it hard to stay or feel positive. Staying positive all of the time is unrealistic, and many would find this is as problematic. However, this is not avoiding the reality of the disease; rather, staying positive balances the feelings of despair. This makes you feel hopeful about the future. Staying positive is a means to conquering a scary diagnosis. So, how can you keep an optimistic outlook despite sickness?
Simply Smile
It’s a natural reaction to feel sad, angry, disappointed, and scared when you’re faced with a disease. Give yourself time to grieve and allow yourself to feel. Sometimes, grief can turn into depression, and to navigate through those emotions, try to smile— even fake smiling. Yes, there is nothing to smile about sickness but smiling can make a great difference in your life. You might even question why of all people should the sickness be onto you? With this mindset, you’ll drown easily in the negativity, pulling all you down and the people supporting you through everything. Hence, putting on a happy face will make you see the positive things. And you’ll be more appreciative to the world.
Do Little Things for Yourself
Sickness can bring a bountiful of concerns from treatment to medical expenses. The thoughts of leaving your family behind can be truly frightening. But a diagnosis can also be empowering. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can begin to care for yourself and improve your health. It’s easy to lose touch with things when you’re stuck in emotional traps. Making small plans that force you to do something for yourself, whether it is small or big, can help you overcome sadness. A few minutes of yoga or a short walk outside might be the self-care that can give you hope to keep pushing forward.
Practice Gratitude
There is nothing to be grateful for about sickness, but there are things around you that deserve to. It is hard to stay optimistic without feeling gratitude. Thinking about all the things you have to be grateful for can give you an instant boost of optimism. Sharing your gratitude with others is a means to spreading a bit of joy and cheer to people around you. You might want to write a letter to someone you love dearly or keep a gratitude journal that will make you smile during the day.
Share Some Kindness
Kindness doesn’t need to be confined to a date on the calendar. You might have heard of people helping others in need, giving gifts and alms. Being sick will not trap you from sharing some kindness. Kindness does not equal to giving money; sometimes, it can be random acts of help, such as picking up a stranger’s handkerchief or sparing time to a loved one. There are a million things you can do to share some kindness. Small acts of kindness resonate in all our lives. A good deed is the most valuable gift you can do. Kindness can give you a small mood boost.
Build Resiliency
Alzheimer’s disease can make it hard for you and the days to come. It can leave you feeling helpless and overwhelmed, which may lead you to stress and anxiety. You may still be painfully grieving for your diagnosis, feeling powerless over your life. Thus, if you want to pick up yourself, practice reframing your life by building resiliency. Resiliency is the ability to adapt to stressful and negative situations. There’s no way to avoid adversities in life, but resiliency can help smooth the rough waters and regain your sense of control.